Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Goals/Objectives[Assuming fetal position] 2. Client will refrain from using egocentric behaviors that offend 1. Client will voluntarily spend time with other clients and Long-term Goals[Unresolved grief ]Absence of signifiwithin time period to be individually determined.DefiClient will develop trusting relationship with nurse or counselor Sad, dull affectBeing uncommunicative, withdrawn; lacking eye contactPreoccupation with own thoughts; performance of repetitive, Short-term GoalSeeking to be alone^136 Expression of feelings of aloneness or rejectionDiscomfort in social situationsDysfunctional interaction with othersmeaningless actionsothers and discourage relationships by time of discharge from from treatment.nurse or therapist in group activities by time of discharge treatment.^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATION cant others

2506_Ch06_125-144.indd 0136 2506 Ch 06 125 - 144 .ind 1. Spend time with client. This may mean just sitting in silence 5. Teach assertiveness techniques. Interactions with others Interventions with 4. Verbally acknowledge client’s absence from any group 2. Develop a therapeutic nurse-client relationship through 3. After client feels comfortable in a one-to-one relationship, d 0 self-worth.ent’s decision to remove self from group situation if anxiety may reinforce the client’s feelings of self-worth.with client the fifor a while. encourage attendance in group activities. May need to attend becomes too great. conveyance of positive regard enhance the client’s feelings of provides emotional security for the client.conditional positive regard. frequent, brief contacts and an accepting attitude. Show un-tion of self as a worthwhile person.activities. may be discouraged by client’s use of passive or aggressive 136 Knowledge that his or her absence was noticed Your presence may help improve client’s percep- rst few times to offer support. Accept cli-Selected RationalesThe presence of a trusted individual Your presence, acceptance, and 10/1/10 9:34:35 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 35 AM
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