Within 3 days, with the aid of a sleeping medication, client will Short-term Goal[Sleeping only short periods at a time][Numerous periods of wakefulness during the night][Awakening and rising extremely early in the morning; exhibit- 1. Provide a quiet environment, with a low level of stimulation. Goals/Objectives3. Assess client’s activity level. Client may ignore or be un- sleep 4 to 6 hours without awakening.Long-term GoalBy time of discharge from treatment, client will be able to acquire 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep without sleeping medication. 2. Monitor sleep patterns. Provide structured schedule of activ-Interventions with ing signs of restlessness]baseline data are important in planning care to help client for naps, will help the hyperactive client achieve much-with this problem. A structured schedule, including time Hyperactivity increases and ability to achieve sleep and rest are hindered in a stimulating environment.needed rest.ities that includes established times for naps or rest. aware of feelings of fatigue. Observe for signs such as Selected Rationales Mood Disorders: Bipolar Disorders Accurate ●^159
2 2506_Ch07_145-160.indd 0159 506 Ch 07 145 - 160 .indd 2. Client is able to fall asleep within 30 minutes of retiring.Outcome Criteria6. Administer sedative medications, as ordered, to assist client 1. Client is sleeping 6 to 8 hours per night without sleeping 0 5. Prohibit intake of caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, and 4. Before bedtime, provide nursing measures that promote 3. Client is dealing openly with fears and feelings rather than^159 sleep, such as back rub; warm bath; warm, nonstimulating medication.increasing restlessness, ficolas. manifesting denial of them through hyperactivity. exhaustion if hyperactivity is uninterrupted and rest is the client’s achievement of rest and sleep.not achieved.drinks; soft music; and relaxation exercises.achieve sleep until normal sleep pattern is restored. puffy, dark circles under eyes. Caffeine is a CNS stimulant and may interfere with ne tremors, slurred speech, and Client can collapse from 1 10/1/10 9:34:52 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 34 : 52 AM