Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Predisposing Factors to Paraphilias 2. Psychosocial 1. occur later as the individual fantasizes about the voyeuris-tic act. Physiological a. a. priate sexual arousal. The majority of studies involved Biological Factors: with the parent of the opposite gender. This creates in-eral organic factors in the etiology of paraphilias. De-struction of parts of the limbic system in animals has been shown to cause hypersexual behavior (Becker & Johnson, 2008). Temporal lobe diseases, such as psy-chomotor seizures or temporal lobe tumors, have been implicated in some individuals with paraphilias. Abnor-mal levels of androgens also may contribute to inappro-vidual fails to resolve the Oedipal crisis and identifiviolent sex offenders, and the results cannot accurately be generalized. the parent (Becker & Johnson, 2008).gratifitense anxiety, which leads the individual to seek sexual Psychoanalytical Theory: (Sadock & Sadock, 2007). This occurs when the indi-defidevelopmental process toward heterosexual adjustment nes a paraphiliac as one who has failed the normal cation in ways that provide a “safe substitution” for Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Various studies have implicated sev-The psychoanalytic approach ●^203 es

  1. The individual is markedly distressed by these activities. 6. Sexual arousal by infl 2. Sexual arousal in the presence of nonliving objects. 3. Touching and rubbing one’s genitals against an unconsent- 4. Sexual attraction to, or activity with, a prepubescent 9. Masturbation often accompanies the activities described 5. Sexual arousal from being humiliated, beaten, bound, or 8. Sexual arousal from observing unsuspecting people either 7. Sexual arousal from dressing in the clothes of the opposite 1. Exposure of one’s genitals to a stranger.Symptomatology (Subjective and Objective Data)when they are performed a sexual partner).nonconsenting).ing person.gender.suffering on another individual (either consenting or naked or engaged in sexual activity.child.otherwise made to suffer (through fantasy, self-infl icting psychological or physical iction, or
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