(^244) By time of discharge from treatment, client will identify, de-velop, and use socially acceptable coping skills.Interventions with 4. Take care not to reinforce dependent behaviors. Encourage 1. Discuss with client the rules of therapy and consequences of 2. Do not debate, argue, rationalize, or bargain with the client 3. Encourage discussion of angry feelings. Help client identify Long-term Goalof desirable behaviors.reinforcement enhance self-esteem and encourage repetition leasing pent-up tension.noncompliance. Carry out the consequences matter-of-factly if rules are broken. Physical exercise provides a safe and effective means of re-crease manipulative behaviors.positive feedback. regarding limit-setting on manipulative behaviors. individual may help client work through unresolved issues. these attempts may work to decrease manipulative behav-iors. Consistency among all staff members is vital if this intervention is to be successful.client to perform as independently as possible, and provide the true object of the hostility. Provide physical outlets for healthy release of the hostile feelings (e.g., punching bags, pounding boards).^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONSelected RationalesIndependent accomplishment and positive Verbalization of feelings with a trusted Negative consequences may work to de-Ignoring
2 2506_Ch13_236-255.indd Sec1:244 506 Ch 13 236 - 255 .ind 5. Help client recognize some aspects of his or her life over which 7. Provide positive reinforcement for application of adaptive^ 6. Identify the stressor that precipitated the maladaptive cop-d S f. Recognize areas of limitation, and make modifi e. Evaluate the effectiveness of the alternative. d. Implement the alternative. c. Select the most appropriate alternative.client through the problem-solving process: tion of desirable behaviors.coping skills and evidence of successful adjustment. a measure of control is maintained. a. Identify possible alternatives that indicate positive reinforcement enhances self-esteem and encourages repeti-express fears and feelings associated with the change. Assist ing. If a major life change has occurred, encourage client to lessness and decreases the need for manipulation of others.control, however minimal, diminishes the feeling of power- b. Discuss benefiec 1 :Request assistance with this process, if needed. adaptation. 244 ts and consequences of each alternative.^ Recognition of personal cations. Positive 1 10/1/10 9:36:16 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 16 AM