4. During client’s discussion, note times during which a sense Interventions with to prevent exacerbation of physical symptoms as a coping mech-anism in response to stress.Long-term GoalClient will achieve physical wellness and demonstrate the ability 1. Perform thorough physical assessment 3. Encourage client to discuss current life situations that he^ 2. Together with the client, identify goals of care and ways in^268 Focus on these times and discuss ways in which the client may issues.mine specifivironment may help client come to terms with unresolved each. or she perceives as stressful and the feelings associated with of powerlessness or loss of cont rol over l ife sit uat ions emerges. Monitor laboratory values, vital signs, intake and output, and other assessments necessary and increases chances for positive outcomes.ongoing appraisal.and is maintained when an individual feels power over his maintain a feeling of control. which client believes he or she can best achieve those goals. Client may need assistance with problem-solving. involvement in his or her care provides a feeling of control^ ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONVerbalization of true feelings in a nonthreatening en- c care required forSelected RationalesA sense of self-worth develops^ client’s physical condition.to maintain an accurate, in order to deter-Personal^
2 2506_Ch15_264-274.indd Sec1:268 506 Ch 15 264 - 274 .ind6. Discuss stressful times when physical symptoms did not 8. Help client to identify a resource within the community 5. As client becomes able to discuss feelings more openly, as- 7. Provide positive reinforcement for adaptive coping mecha-^ d Sbut allow client to determine which can most appropriately be incorporated into his or her lifestyle. feelings to the appearance of physical symptoms. enhances self-esteem and encourages repetition of desirable behaviors. Client may require assistance with problem-solvingbut must be allowed and encouraged to make decisions independently.appear and the adaptive coping strategies that were used dur-ing those situations. (friend, signifior her own life situations.areas of strength and using them to the client’s benefibe unaware of the relationship between physical symptoms and emotional problems.nisms identifisist him or her, in a nonthreatening manner, to relate certain ec 1 : 268 ed or used. Suggest alternative coping strategies cant other, group) to use as a support system Therapy is facilitated by considering Positive reinforcement Client may t. 1 10/1/10 9:36:41 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 41 AM