Change in [physical] capacity to resume role[Dysfunctional family system]Long-term Goalterfere with role performance in order to fi●Client will verbalize understanding that physical symptoms in-Short-term GoalDefiGoals/ObjectivesChange in usual patterns of responsibility [because of conflmatch the environmental context, norms, and expectations.Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Physical illness accompanied by real or perceived disabling [Assumption of dependent role][Unmet dependency needs]Cl ient w i l l be able to assu me role-related responsibi l it ies by t i me DefiChange in self-perception of role^ within dysfunctional family system]symptoms]INEFFECTIVE ROLE PERFORMANCE nition: ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) Patterns of behavior and self-expression that do not Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition ll an unmet need.●^271 ict
of discharge from treatment. 2. Assess specifi 4. Help client identify feelings associated with family confl 3. Encourage client to discuss conflInterventions with 1. Determine client’s usual role within the family system. Iden-the client.accompanying disabilities. relationship between physical symptoms and emotional tify roles of other family members. Assess relationship of disability to physical condition. It is important to determine the realism of client’s role expectations.the subsequent exacerbation of physical symptoms, and the required in order to formulate appropriate plan of care for ily system. Identify ways in which client and other family members have responded to these conflprovided in an effort to create change.tive responses within the system, before assistance can be identify specifi c disabilities related to role expectations. c stressors, as well as adaptive and maladap-Selected RationalesClient may be unaware of the icts evident within the fam-An accurate database is icts. It is necessary to ict,
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