1. Observe client’s behavior frequently. Do this through rou-Impulsivity[Rage reactions][Physically self-damaging acts (cutting, burning, drug overdose, Interventions with Body language (e.g., rigid posture, clenching of fiClient will not harm self or others.History or threats of violence toward self or others or of Long-term Goal 2. Secure a verbal contract from client that he or she will seek Suicidal ideation, plan, available meansHistory of suicide attemptsShort-term Goals 1. Client will seek out staff member if feelings of harming self 2. Client will not harm self or others.Goals/Objectivesdestruction to the property of othersetc.)]hyperactivity, pacing, breathlessness, threatening stances)suspicious. tine activities and interactions; avoid appearing watchful and out a staff member when the urge for self-mutilation is expe-can occur if required to ensure client’s (and others’) safety.or others emerge.Close observation is required so that intervention Selected Rationales Personality Disorders sts and jaw, ●^283
2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0283 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indd 6. Remove all dangerous objects from the client’s environment. 3. If self-mutilation occurs, care for the client’s wounds in a 4. Encourage client to talk about feelings he or she was having just 5. Act as a role model for appropriate expression of angry feel-^0283 of the client as a worthwhile individual is conveyed.angry feelings, because suicide and other self-destructive behaviors are often viewed as a result of anger turned inward on the self.rienced. matter-of-fact manner. Do not give positive reinforcement Client safety is a nursing priority.to t h is behav ior by of fering sy mpat hy or addit ional at tent ion. Lack of attention to the maladaptive behavior may decrease repetition of its use.vidual provides some relief to the client. A contract gets the prior to this behavior. subject out in the open and places some of the responsibility client, knowledge of the precipitating factors is important.for his or her safety with the client. An attitude of acceptance ings and give positive reinforcement to the client when at-tempts to conform are made. Discussing feelings of self-harm with a trusted indi-To problem-solve the situation with the It is vital that the client express 1 10/1/10 9:36:58 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 36 : 58 AM