development of a healthy personal identity.Client will be able to distinguish own thoughts, feelings, behav- 1. Help client recognize the reality of his or her separateness. Interventions with [Unable to tolerate being alone][Feelings of depersonalization and derealization][Self-mutilation (cutting, burning) to validate existence of self ]Gender confusionFeelings of emptinessUncertainties about goals and valuesGoals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalClient will describe characteristics that make him or her a unique individual.Long-term Goal 2. Help client recognize separateness from nurse by clarifying iors, and image from those of others, as the initial step in the about that.”words. example, avoid statements such as, “I know how you must feel believe you can read his or her mind. should be taken in the use of empathetic understanding. For Do not attempt to translate client’s thoughts and feelings into Because of the blurred ego boundaries, client may Selected RationalesPersonality Disorders For this reason, caution ●^291
2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0291 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .indd 4. Confront statements that project client’s feelings onto others. 5. If the problem is with gender identity, ask the client to 3. Encourage client to discuss thoughts and feelings. Help 0291 jecting them onto others in the environment. and physical presence provide reality for the client and serve be helpful (“I fiof feelings in a nonthreatening environment may help client come to terms with unresolved issues.describe his or her perception of appropriate male and female behaviors. Provide information about role behav-appropriate, allow client to touch your hand or arm. iors and sex education, if necessary. Convey acceptance of the person regardless of preferred identity. to strengthen weak ego boundaries.require clarifiAsk client to validate that others possess those feelings. The An attitude of acceptance reinforces client’s feelings of self-worth.expression of which behaviors and feelings belong to whom. If deemed client recognize ownership of these feelings rather than pro-reasonable cation of distorted ideas or misinformation. nd that hard to believe”).^ doubt as a therapeutic technique may Verbalization Client may To u c h 10/1/10 9:37:00 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 00 AM