(^298) 2. Maintain low level of stimuli in client’s environment (low 3. Observe client’s behavior frequently. Do this through rou- 4. Remove all dangerous objects from client’s environment. 5. Help client identify the true object of his or her hostility 7. Explore with client alternative ways of handling frustration 6. Encourage client to gradually verbalize hostile feelings. 8. Staff should maintain and convey a calm attitude toward^ aggressive behavior.staff to client. A calm attitude provides client with a feeling tine activities and interactions; avoid appearing watchful and suspicious. (e.g., large motor skills that channel hostile energy into so-can occur if needed to ensure client’s (and others’) safety.help to relieve pent-up tension.Client safety is a nursing priority.client. lighting, few people, simple decor, low noise level). cially acceptable behavior). development, client may be misusing the defense mecha-nism of displacement. Helping him or her recognize this in a nonthreatening manner may help reveal unresolved issues so that they may be confronted.lating environment may increase agitation and promote Verbalization of feelings in a nonthreatening environment may help client come to terms with unresolved issues.(e.g., “You seem to be upset with...”). ●^ ALTERATIONS IN PSYCHOSOCIAL ADAPTATIONAnxiety is contagious and can be transferred from Close observation is required so that intervention Physically demanding activities Because of weak ego A stimu-
2 2506_Ch16_275-309.indd 0298 506 Ch 16 275 - 309 .ind 10. Administer tranquilizing medications as ordered by physi- 9. Have suffi 11. If client is not calmed by “talking down” or by medica-d 02 to client if necessary.chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam) produce a calming effect and may help to allay hostile behaviors. 9 are often not prescribed for clients with antisocial personal-ity disorder because of these individuals’ strong susceptibil-ity to addictions.)control over the situation and provides some physical secu-tion, use of mechanical restraints may be necessary. Be sure to have suffirity for staff.established by the institution in executing this intervention. The Joint Commission requires that and in-person evalu-ation by a licensed independent practitioner be conducted within 1 hour of initiating restraint or seclusion. The physi-cian must reevaluate and issue a new order for restraints of safety and security.cian or obtain an order if necessary. Monitor client for ef-fectiveness of the medication as well as for appearance of adverse side effects. 8 cient staff available to present a show of strength cient staff available to assist. Follow protocol Antianxiety agents (e.g., lorazepam, This conveys to the client evidence of (NOTE: Medications 10/1/10 9:37:02 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 02 AM