Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

Short-term Goals[Hypersomnia or insomnia] 2. Client will demonstrate adaptive coping strategies to use in 1. Client will not harm self while experiencing symptoms as-Long-term GoalsDefi 2. Client will verbalize ways to express anger in an appropriate [Mood swings][Marked anger or irritability][Increased anxiety and restlessness][Feelings of depression and hopelessness][Decreased interest in usual activities][Anergia; easy fatigability][Diffi 1. Client will seek out support person if thoughts of suicide [Changes in appetite]^326 [Altered sexual drive][Suicidal ideations or attempts]Inadequate problem-solvingInability to meet role expectations Goals/Objectivesemerge.manner and maintain anxiety at a manageable level.sociated with effort to minimize disabling behaviors during the pre-^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) culty concentrating; forgetfulness]●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC

2506_Ch18_320-328.indd Sec1:326 2506 Ch 18 320 - 328 .ind2. Formulate a short-term verbal contract with the client that^ 3. Secure a promise from client that she will seek out a staff Interventions with 1. Assess client’s potential for suicide. Has she expressed feel-d Sprovides a degree of relief to the client. A contract gets the subject out in the open and places some of the responsibility for the client’s safety with the client. An attitude of accep-tance of the client as a worthwhile individual is conveyed.developed a plan and particularly if means exist for the cli-member if thoughts of suicide emerge. ent to execute the plan.often very ambivalent about their feelings. Discussion ofings of not wanting to live? Does she have a plan? A means? menstrual and perimenstrual periods.she will not harm herself during a specifiDepression is the most prevalent disorder that precedes sui-When that contract expires, make another, and so forth.cide. The risk of suicide is greatly increased if the client has Discussion of suicidal feelings with a trusted individual ec 1 : 326 Selected RationalesSuicidal clients are c period of time.^1 10/1/10 9:37:29 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 29 AM
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