Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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invaded by a foreign antigen, these T4 cells divide many times, initiate and facilitate repair to damaged tissue. If these cells are striking depletion of T4 lymphocytes. The HIV infects the T4 ● antigen.The Immune Response to HIVThe cells responsible for nonspecifiated with human immunodefineutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. In the normal im-mune response, they work to destroy an invasive organism and lymphocyte, thereby destroying the very cell the body needs to not effective in accomplishing a satisfactory healing response, specifiproducing antigen-specifidirect an attack on the virus. An individual with a healthy im-phocytes. T4 cells are also called CD4 cells. When the body is of these is the T4 killer cell, which serves to help destroy the The elements of the cellular response include the T4 lym-BACKGROUND ASSESSMENT DATAThe most conspicuous immunologic abnormality associ- c immune mechanisms take over. c T4 cells with other functions. One ciency virus (HIV) infection is a HIV Disease c immune reactions include C HAPTER^19

2506_Ch19_329-340.indd 0329 2506 Ch 19 329 - 340 .indd istic infections are common when the T-cell count reaches 200. T4 cell counts in individuals with advanced HIV disease drop dramatically, in some cases down to zero (New Mexico AIDS Education and Training Center, 2009).Stages and Symptoms of HIV Disease 1. a drop at the time of acute infection, with a subsequent increase about 500 to 600 when the individual begins to develop 1200/mmpersistent 0 mune system may present with a T4 count between 600/mmwhen the acute stage subsides. Typically, the T-cell count is 329 Early Stage (Category 1) HIV Disease ( a. mmAcute (Primary) HIV Infection. are asymptomatic at this stage, the acute HIV infection is^3 )^3. The individual with HIV infection may experience^ generalized lymphadenopathy Although some people (PGL). Opportun-≥500 T4 cells/chronic^3 and^3291 10/1/10 9:37:39 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 39 AM
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