Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

d. ma, Hodgkin’s disease, squamous-cell carcinomas, malig-nant melanoma, testicular cancers, and primary hepato-cellular carcinoma.Altered Mental States. (1) The most common alterations in mental states observed (2) Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder ob-These include Kaposi’s sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lympho-ioral changes similar to those seen in individuals with experiencing multiple losses of friends to the disease, tem, and the presence of an early cognitive disorder. in AIDS clients include delirium (flpositivity or AIDS, perceiving rejection by loved ones, ness, abnormal vital signs, and psychotic phenomena) and dementia (called HIV-associated dementia [HAD]). Symptoms of HAD include cognitive, motor, and behav-ents may be related to receiving a new diagnosis of HIV other cognitive disorders [see Chapter 3]). having an inadequate social and fiserved among HIV-positive clients (Sagrestano, Rogers, & Service, 2008). It can occur during any stage of the disease process. Anticipatory or actual grief is an impor-tant cause of depressive symptoms in clients with HIV disease. Transient suicidal ideation on learning of HIV positivity is quite common, although the incidence of serious suicidal behavior is low. Depression in AIDS cli- uctuating conscious- nancial support sys- HIV Disease ●^331

Predisposing Factors to HIV Disease 2. 1. Sexual Transmission a. b. Bloodborne Transmission a. women to men. However, female-to-male transmission is possible, as HIV has been isolated in vaginal secretions.who are infected with HIV. Homosexual Transmission.recently infected with HIV who have not yet developed may occur when donations are received from individuals Heterosexual Transmission. anal intercourse and the number of male sexual partners. The lining of the anal canal is delicate and prone to tear-ing and bleeding, making anal intercourse an easy way for infections to be passed from one person to another.antibodies or from persistently antibody-negative donors greater concentration in semen than in vaginal secretions, it is more readily transmitted from men to women than from Transfusion with Blood Products. tests are more than 99% sensitive, screening problems factors for homosexual transmission of HIV are receptive The most signifiBecause the virus is found in Although laboratory cant risk

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