Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Inadequate coping patternsInterventions with 3. Accept expressions of feelings, including anger and hopeless- 2. Avoid arguing or using logic with the client who feels power-Defi 1. Provide opportunities for the client to make choices about Verbal expressions of having no control (e.g., over self-care, situ-ation and future outcome.Apathy 4. Help client identify personal strengths and establish realistic Goals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalClient will identify areas over which he or she has control.Long-term GoalClient will make decisions that refl 5. Help client identify areas of life situation that he or she can^346 ation, outcome)reinforce feelings of powerlessness.ness. his or her present situation. life goals. and self-worth.less. increase his or her feeling of control.^ ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”)●^ Client will not believe it can make a difference.An attitude of acceptance enhances feelings of trust SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRICUnrealistic goals set the client up for failure and Selected RationalesProviding client with choices will ect control over present situ-

2 2506_Ch20_341-347.indd 0346 506 Ch 20 341 - 347 .ind^ 2. Client verbalizes honest feelings about life situations over 3. Client is able to verbalize system for problem-solving as re- 7. Encourage client to seek out support group or shelter re-6. Help client identify areas of life situation that are not within 1. Client verbalizes choices made in a plan to maintain control Outcome Criteriad 0 quired to maintain hope for the future.solved issues and accept what cannot be changed.alternatives.sources. her ability to solve problems. Assistance is required to ac-and hopelessness.curately perceive the benefihis or her ability to control. Encourage verbalization of feel-over his or her life situation.ings related to this inability which he or she has no control.control. 346 Client’s emotional condition interferes with his or Social isolation promotes feelings of powerlessness ts and consequences of available in an effort to deal with unre- 10/1/10 9:37:53 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 37 : 53 AM

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