Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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(^354) 7. Ensure that client and family are fully knowledgeable re- 6. Use role-playing 5. Help client with decision-making regarding incorporation Independent accomplishments and positive feedback enhance self-esteem and encourage repetition of desired behaviors. Successes also provide hope that adaptive functioning is possible and decrease feelings of powerlessness.which they may refer following discharge.of change or loss into lifestyle. Identify problems that the change or loss is likely to create. Discuss alternative solu-tions, weighing potential benefitions, and provide printed material explaining the change to alternative. Support client’s decision in the selection of an alternative. when a stressful situation occurs.accompanies a major lifestyle change often interferes action with which to respond in an appropriate manner appropriate decisions. Client may need assistance with this process in an effort to progress toward successful adaptation.necessity for optimal wellness. Encourage them to ask ques-garding the physiology of the change in health status and its a feeling of security by arming the client with a plan of status change. stressful situations that might occur in relation to the health with an individual’s ability to solve problems and to make^ ●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRICRole-playing decreases anxiety and provides The great amount of anxiety that usually to decrease anxiety t s a nd consequences of each as client anticipates

2506_Ch21_348-357.indd Sec1:354 2506 Ch 21 348 - 357 .indas imposed by others and as a negative or threatening state.^ Outcome Criteria 1. Client is able to perform ADLs independently.Defi 2. Client is able to make independent decisions regarding life- 3. Client is able to express hope for the future with consider-●8. Help client identify resources within the community from d Ssician’s offikeep follow-up appointments with physician or to call phy-port groups, counselor, or social worker. Encourage client to change in health status. Examples include self-help or sup-SOCIAL ISOLATIONation of change in health considering change in health status.arise.which he or she may seek assistance in adapting to the e nition:c 1 : 354 Aloneness experienced by the individual and perceived ce prior to follow-up date if problems or concerns 10/1/10 9:38:04 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 04 AM
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