Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Client is expresses anger and hostility outwardly in a safe and 3. Client has not harmed self or others.Related/Risk Factors (“related to”) and defensive resources.Outcome Criteria 1. Client is able to verbalize ways in which anger and acting-out vironmental conditions interacting with the individual’s adaptive 8. Provide a safe and protective environment for the client Defi^ ●[Substance use/detoxifi (^) ing any of the following:RISK FOR INJURYacceptable manner.behaviors are associated with maladaptive grieving.tion that most commonly precedes suicidal attempts.against risk of self-directed violence. nition:Substance intoxicationHallucinationsSeizuresDisorientationSubstance withdrawal At risk of injury as a result of [internal or external] en- cation at time of incarceration, exhibit-Depression is the emo-Forensic Nursing ●^367

2 2506_Ch22_358-369.indd Sec1:367 506 Ch 22 358 - 369 .indd 1. Assess client’s level of disorientation to determine spe- 2. Obtain a drug history, if possible, to determine Client will not experience physical injury.Long-term GoalGoals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalClient’s condition will stabilize within 72 hours.Interventions with Sec 1 a. Type of substance(s) used.cifiof functioning is necessary to formulate appropriate plan of care. b. Time of last ingestion and amount consumed.: 3 Panic level of anxiety] Unstable vital signsDeliriumFlashbacksPsychomotor agitation 6 c requirements for safety. 7 Selected RationalesKnowledge of client’s level 1 10/1/10 9:38:17 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 17 AM
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