Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
Men and women: Necessary in the formation of Meat; green leafy vegetables; Folic acid (folate)400 mcg (1000 mcg) DNA and the production of beans; peas; fortifired blood cellsPregnant women: 600 mcg
Important in women of child- ed cereals, bearing age to prevent fetal breads, rice, and pastaneural tube defects; may con-tribute to prevention of heart disease and colon cancer.
Calcium Men and women: Necessary in the formation Dairy products, kale, broccoli, 1000 mg (2500 mg)of bones and teeth; neuron spinach, sardines, oysters, After age 50: and muscle functioning; salmonMen and women: blood clotting1200 mg

Calcium has been associated with preventing headaches, muscle cramps, osteoporosis, and pre-menstrual problems. Requires vitamin D for absorption.
PhosphorusNecessary in the forma-Men and women: Milk, cheese, fition of bones and teeth; a 700 mg (4000 mg)component of DNA, RNA, ADP, and ATP; helps control acid-base balance in the blood

sh, meat, yogurt, ice cream, peas, eggs
Men: 420 mg Green vegetables, legumes, Protein synthesis and carbo-Magnesium(350 mg)**hydrate metabolism; mus-seafood, milk, nuts, meatcular relaxation following Women: 320 mg contraction; bone formation(350 mg)**
May aid in prevention of asth-matic attacks and migraine headaches. Defi ciencies may contribute to insomnia, pre-menstrual problems.
TABLE 23 – 3 Essential Vitamins and Minerals—cont’dVitamin/MineralFunctionNew DRI (UL)*Food Sources

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