Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^388) Whitaker (2000) has suggested: fects of loneliness and isolation.results in premature death, and having a pet mitigates the ef-the aging process among those who live alone. Loneliness often 4. Individuals with AIDS who have pets are less likely to suffer 3. One study of 96 patients who had been admitted to a cor-they way they do, but for those who have pets to love, the thera-social interaction (Godenne, 2001). Another study revealed (Banks & Banks, 2002).onary care unit for heart attack or angina revealed that in the year following hospitalization, the mortality rate among those who did not own pets was 22% higher than that among pet owners (Whitaker, 2000).signifiIt may never be known precisely why animals affect humans (Siegel et al., 1999). Some researchers believe that animals may actually retard that animal-assisted therapy with nursing home residents or cholesterol levels (p. 7). have fewer risk factors for heart disease, such as high blood pressure problems, require fewer visits to the doctor and less medication, and after study shows that people with pets have fewer minor health Though owning a pet doesn’t make you immune to illness, pet own-ers are, on the whole, healthier than those who don’t own pets. Study from depression t han people wit h A IDS who do not ow n pets^ ●^ cantly reduced loneliness for those in the study group SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC

touch, massage, yoga, and pet therapy. Nurses must be familiar in a holistic manner. Most complementary therapies consider nonjudgmental love and affection, which can be the perfect an-tidote for a depressed mood or a stressful situation. The role of animals in the human healing process requires more research, but its validity is now widely accepted in both the medical and lay communities.● with these therapies, as more and more clients seek out the heal-Complementary therapies help the practitioner view the client peutic benefithe mind and body connection and strive to enhance the body’s own natural healing powers. The OA M of the NIH has estab-lished a list of alternative therapies to be used in practice and for investigative purposes. More than $27 billion a year is spent on alternative medical therapies in the United States.puncture, diet and nutrition, chiropractic medicine, therapeutic ing properties of these complementary care strategies.This chapter examined herbal medicine, acupressure, acu-SUMMARY ts come as no surprise. Pets provide unconditional,

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