Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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all beings who experience emotions. Following are examples of and all can trigger behaviors associated with the grieving pro- 2. Illness or debilitating conditions. Examples include (but are Loss and Bereavement● 1. A signifiLosssome notable forms of loss:importance. Loss is anything that is perceived as such by the individual. The separation from loved ones or the giving up of treasured possessions, for whatever reason; the experience of failure, either real or perceived; or life events that create change in a familiar pattern of existence—all can be experienced as loss, Ccess. Loss and bereavement are universal events encountered by not limited to) diabetes, stroke, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, but may also result in the loss of personal independence.not only incur a loss of physical and/or emotional wellness separation for any reason.and spinal cord or head injuries. Some of these conditions BACKGROUND ASSESSMENT DATAmultiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, hearing or vision loss, HAPTER is the experience of separation from something of personal cant other (person or pet) through death, divorce, or^24

2506_Ch24_390-405.indd 0390 2506 Ch 24 390 - 405 .indd 4. A decrease in self-esteem, if one is unable to meet describing mourning as the psychological process (or stages) through which the individual passes on the way to successful^3900 5. Personal possessions that symbolize familiarity and security 3. Developmental/maturational changes or situations, such as adaptation to the loss of a valued object. Grief may be viewed 390 menopause, andropause, infertility, “empty nest” syndrome, extensions of the a person’s life. Separation from these familiar and per-dreams.aging, impotence, or unfulfithese expectations are only perceived by the individual self-expectations or the expectations of others (even if Some texts differentiate the terms sonally valued external objects represents a loss of material lled). This includes a loss of potential hopes and mourning and grief by 1 10/1/10 9:38:44 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 44 AM

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