Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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and philosophical beliefs—beliefs that are infl[Another] area of adjustment may be to one’s sense of the world. Loss through death can challenge one’s fundamental life values Task IV: Finding an Enduring Connection with the Lost lies, peers, education, and religion as well as life experiences. The bereaved person searches for meaning in the loss and its attendant life changes in order to make sense of it and to regain some control of his or her life (pp. 48–49).To be successf u l i n Task I I I, bereaved i ndiv iduals must devel-If the bereaved person experiences failures in his or her attempt to adjust in an environment without the lost entity, feelings of low self-esteem may result. Regressed behav-iors and feelings of helplessness and inadequacy are not their history or fiplace for the lost entity. Individuals need not purge from to their own sense of self. Worden (2009) stated, “The cop-ing strategy of redeficontinued growth or a state of arrested development.task allows for the bereaved person to identify a special redound to the benefiEntity in the Midst of Embarking on a New Life.successful completion of Task III” (p. 47). determines the outcome of the mourning process—that of op new skills to cope and adapt to their new environment without the lost entity. Successful achievement of this task uncommon. Worden (2009) stated: nd a replacement for that which has been ning the loss in such a way that it can t of the survivor is often part of the Loss and Bereavement uenced by our fami-● This^395
2 2506_Ch24_390-405.indd 0395 506 Ch 24 390 - 405 .indd 0395 For many people Task IV is the most diffiThey get stuck at this point in their grieving and later realize that their life in some way stopped at the point the loss occurred (p. 52). Worden (2009) relates the story of a teenaged girl who had lost. Instead, there is a kind of continued presence of the He stated: associated with successful grieving, she wrote these words t hat express rat her clearly what bereaved people in Task I V lost entity that only becomes are struggling with: “There are other people to be loved, and it doesn’t mean that I love Dad any less” (p. 52). b e r e a v e d. S u c c e s s f u l c o mp le t io n of Ta s k I V i n v ol v e s le t t i n g go of past attachments and forming new ones. However, there is also the recognition that although the relationship between the bereaved and what has been lost is changed, it is nonetheless still a relationship. Worden (2009) suggests a diffithat one never loses memories of a signifi2 years, when she began to fi cult time adjusting to the death of her father. After nally fulfirelocated cult one to accomplish. ll some of the tasks in the life of the cant relationship. 10/1/10 9:38:46 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 46 AM

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