Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

  1. Encourage the client to make an honest review of the rela- 2. Client verbalizes stages of the grief process and behaviors greater than oneself.ness with self, others, art, music, literature, nature, and/or a power grate meaning and purpose in life through a person’s connected-Defi (^) Risk Factors (“related to”)● 3. Client acknowledges own position in the grief process and 1. Client is able to express feelings about the loss.Outcome CriteriaLoss [of any concept of value to the individual]^404 RISK FOR SPIRITUAL DISTRESSwill the grieving process be complete.associated with each stage.tive tool with this intervention. recognizes the appropriateness of the associated feelings and behaviors.tionship with what has been lost. Journal keeping is a facilita-to see both positive and negative aspects related to the loss bereavement process is impaired by behaviors that mask the pain of the loss. nition:^ ●^ SPECIAL TOPICS IN PSYCHIATRIC At risk for an impaired ability to experience and inte-Only when the client is able

2506_Ch24_390-405.indd 0404 2506 Ch 24 390 - 405 .indClient will identify meaning and purpose in life, moving forward with hope for the future.Long-term GoalClient will express achievement of support and personal satisfac-tion from spiritual practices.Interventions with Low self-esteem 1. Be accepting and nonjudgmental when client expresses an-Physical illnessDepression; anxiety; stressSeparated from support systemsLife changeGoals/ObjectivesShort-term GoalNatural disastersd 0 ger and bitterness toward God. Stay with client. feelings of self-worth and promote trust in the relationship.presence and nonjudgmental attitude increase the client’s 404 Selected Rationales The nurse’s^1 10/1/10 9:38:49 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 38 : 49 AM
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