Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

        • 2. Most commonly occur with tricyclics and others, such as d. b. the SARIs, bupropion, maprotiline, and mirtazapine: a. c. Blurred visionConstipationDiscontinuation syndromeNausea Order foods high in fi Offer reassurance that this symptom should subside All classes of antidepressants have varying potentials to Instruct the client not to drive until vision is clear. Medication may be taken with food to minimize GI Clear small items from routine pathway to prevent to prevent withdrawal symptoms. following long-term therapy with SSRIs and SNRIs F l u o x e t i ne i s le s s l i k e l y t o r e s u lt i n w it hd r a w a l s y m p t o m s because of its long half-life. Abrupt withdrawal from tricyclics may produce hypomania, akathisia, cardiac arrhythmias, and panic attacks. The discontinuation antidepressant medication should be tapered gradually after a few weekshypomania, and worsening of depressive symptoms. All distress. may result in dizziness, lethargy, headache, and nausea. cause discontinuation syndromes. Abrupt withdrawal falls.syndrome associated with MAOIs includes confusion, ber; increase flAntidepressants uid intake if not ●^441

                  • c. e. d. Reduction of seizure thresholdUrinaryOrthostatic Instruct the client to avoid long hot showers or tub baths. Monitor blood pressure (lying and standing) frequently, Try various methods to stimulate urination, such as Monitor intake and output. Instruct the client to report hesitancy or inability to Bupropion (Wellbutrin) should be administered in Instruct the client to rise slowly from a lying or sitting Observe clients with history of seizures closely.and document and report significedure manual.Institute seizure precautions as specifirunning water in the bathroom or pouring water over physical exercise, if possible. position.the perineal area. urinate.contraindicated; and encourage the client to increase doses of no more than 150 mg and should be given at^ retention hypotension cant changes. ed i n hospit a l pro-
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