Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^470) ● (^) 4. (^) d. c. CLIENT/FAMILY EDUCATION RELATED May occur with antipsychotics: a. d. e. b. f.^ ●*Drowsiness; dizziness**Dry mouth; constipationIncreased appetite; weight gainHyperglycemia and diabetesConstipationECG changesExtrapyramidal symptoms^ Ensure that client does not operate dangerous machin- Provide sugarless candy or gum, ice, and frequent sips Provide calorie-controlled diet. Provide opportunity for Monitor vital signs. Observe for symptoms of dizziness, Monitor blood glucose regularly. Observe for the appear- (^) Monitor for symptoms. Administer prn medication at palpitations, syncope, or weakness. Encourage increased flof water. Provide foods high in fifiphysical exercise. Provide diet and exercise instruction. fiery or participate in activities that require alertness. activity and flance of symptoms of polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, and weakness at any time during therapy. rst sign.PSYCHOTROPIC MEDICATIONS ber in the diet. uid if not contraindicated. uid (if not contraindicated) and ber; encourage physical
● ● ● Do not stop taking the drug abruptly. Can produce serious Report the following symptoms to the physician immediately: for tapering the drug when therapy is to be discontinued.Do not drive or operate dangerous machinery. Drowsiness or dizziness can occur.withdrawal symptoms. The physician will administer orders ● ● ● ● TO MOOD-STABILIZING DRUGSClient taking antipsychotic: urine, and yellow skin or eyes. urine output, increasing tremors, or mental confusion. rhea, persistent nausea and vomiting, tinnitus, excessive neous bruising, sore throat, fever, malaise, skin rash, dark Clienting, severe headache, rapid heart rate, diffiClient taking calcium channel blocker:Client taking lithium: usual bleeding, easy bruising, persistent nausea and vomit-beat, shortness of breath, swelling of the hands and feet, pronounced dizziness, chest pain, profound mood swings, severe and persistent headache. taking anticonvulsant:ataxia, blurred vision, severe diar-sore throat, fever, malaise, un- unusual bleeding, sponta- (^) culty urinating, irregular heart-
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