Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
ExamplesADHD:Exogenous Obesity:METHAMPHETAMINE● ADHD:LISDEXAMFETAMINEof 5 mg at weekly intervals. Usual effective dose is 20 to 70 mg/day. daily in the morning. Dosage may be increased in increments meals. of 10 or 20 mg/day at weekly intervals. Maximum dosage: 25 mg/day in divided doses.(MISCELLANEOUS AGENTS)^ CHEMICAL CLASS: CNS STIMULANTS Agents Used to Treat Attention-Defi^ 5 mg once or 2 times a day. May increase in increments Children 6 to 12 years of age:^ (Vyvanse) (Desoxyn) 5 mg 1 to 3 times/day 30 minutes before cit/Hyperactivity Disorder^ PO: 20 or 30 mg once ●^525

2 2506_Ch31_522-537.indd 1525 506 Ch 31 522 - 537 .indd 1 ER, CD, LA=extended release forms; SR=sustained release.Dexmethylphenidate Methylphenidate NameGeneric (Trade) 52 (Focalin; Focalin Methylin; Concerta; Daytrana)Ritalin LA; Metadate ER; XR)(Ritalin; Ritalin-SR; Metadate CD; Methylin ER; 5 C-II/CControlled/C-II/CCategoriesPregnancy 2–42.2 (hr) IndicationsHalf-life ●●●^ Narcolepsy Ritalin LA)Concerta, Metadate ADHDADHDCD, and (except Metadate CD, Ritalin Ritalin-SR: Tabs Immediate Release Forms (mg)Available Concerta: Tabs ER: Transdermal Patch Tabs: 2.5, 5, 10Caps (ER): 5, 10, Oral Solu (Methylin): Metadate ER, Chewable tabs 5/5 mL, 10/5 mL10, 20(Daytrana): 10, 15, 20, 30Tabs (Met hylin, 18, 27, 36, 54Ritalin): 5, 10, 20SR: 2015, 20LA: Caps ER: 10, 20, 30, 40, (50, (Methylin): 2.5, 5, 10CD only^60 Methylin ER: Tabs —Metadate ) 10/1/10 9:40:55 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 40 : 55 AM

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