Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
A Comparison of Models by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, John Bowlby, George Engel, and William WordenStages/Tasks^ Possible Time Kübler-RossBowlbyEngelWordenDimension

BehaviorsIII. RestitutionAttends to various rituals as-sociated with the culture in which the loss has occurred.
IV. DepressionIII. Disorgani-IV. Resolution of II. Processing the zation and the losspain of griefdespair

Very individ-The actual work of grieving. ual. Com-Preoccupation with the lost monly 6 to entity. Feelings of helpless-12 months. ness and loneliness occur Longer for in response to realization some.of the loss. Feelings as-sociated with the loss are confronted.
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