Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

(^560) Offering Giving AcceptingGiving Techniqueselfrecogni-tionbroad openings^ ●^ APPENDIX EAcknowledging; Allows the client to Conveys an attitude RationaleExplanation/Making oneself ness; better than complimenting, which refltopic; emphasizes nurse’s introducing the take the initiative of the client’s role the importance self-worth.of reception and regard.indicating aware-available on an unconditional basis, increasing the client’s feelings of ects the Examples“We can eat our lunch “I’m interested in you.”“I see you made your “I’ll stay with you a “Yes, I understand what “Hello, Mr. J. I notice that you made a ce-while.” said.” Eye contact; bed.”together.”ramic ash tray in OT.”
2506_Appendix_E_557-569.indd 560 2506 _AppendixE 557 - 56 Making Placing the Offering 9 .iobserva-event in nsequencetime or general leadstionsdd 560 Offers the client ClarifiVerbalizing what in the observed or perceived. This en-courages the client to recognize specifiencouragement to behaviors and com-pare perceptions with the nurse.ship of events in time so that the nurse and client can view them in perspective.continue. es the relation- c “What seemed to lead “I notice you are “What would you like to “Yes, I see.” “Go on.”“When did this “And after that?”“You seem uncomfort-“Was this before or “You seem tense.”“Tell me what you are up to...?”after...?”happen?”thinking.”pacing a lot.”talk about today?”able when you...” 1 10/1/10 9:30:29 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 29 AM

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