Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
choose a situation he or she wishes to enact and select the audi-just be any room or part of a room selected for this purpose. Ac- 11. Existential factors (the group is able to help individual mem-has unresolved confldividuals (represented by group members) with whom he or she ● In this role, the client is able to express true feelings toward in-Psychodrama is a specialized type of therapeutic group that em-ploys a dramatic approach in which clients become “actors” in life-situation scenarios.less threatening atmosphere than the real situation in which ence members to portray the roles of others in the life situation. plays the role of himself or herself and is called the audiencewith which one individual client has been struggling. The client been informed by the director. Usually the situation is an issue to express true feelings. Resolution of interpersonal conflthe “drama” by role-playing a situation about which they have tors are members from the audience who agree to take part in The psychodrama setting provides the client with a safer and volunteer to be the protagonist for that session. The client may The group leader is called the In some instances, the group leader may ask for a client to PSYCHODRAMAbers take direction of their own lives and to accept respon-sibility for the quality of their existence), and the set, or icts.stage, may be specially designed or may director, group members are the APPENDIX F protagonist● icts is^571.

2 2506_Appendix_F_570-579.indd 571 506 _AppendixF 570 - 579 either directly or sessions. Leaders of psychodrama have graduate degrees in psychology, social work, nursing, or medicine with additional training in group therapy and specialty preparation to become a psychodramatist.● the audience discuss the situation they have observed, offer feed-In family therapy, the nurse-therapist works with the family as a group to improve communication and interaction patterns. Areas of assessment include communication, manner of self-concept reinforcement, family members’ expectations, handling differences, family interaction patterns, and the “climate” of the family (a blend of feelings and experiences that are the result of sharing and interacting).back, express their feelings, and relate their own similar experi-ences. In this way, all group members benefifacilitated.inddFA M I LY T H E R A P YNurses often serve as actors, or role players, in psychodra-When the drama has been completed, group members from 571 t from the session, 1 10/1/10 9:30:41 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 41 AM
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