Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

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● thought that ECT produces biochemical changes in the brain— 1. The exact mechanism of action is unknown. However, it is 2. an increase in the levels of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine—similar to the effects of antidepressant medications.● ● Temporary Memory Loss and Confusion● ● ● ● ● ● ing ECT.tant for the nurse to be present when the client awakens, to client’s routine activities.Provide reassurance that memory loss is only temporary.To minimize confusion, provide a good deal of structure for Describe to client what has occurred.These are the most common side effects of ECT. It is impor-Reorient client to time and place.alleviate the fears that accompany this loss of memory.Allow client to verbalize fears and anxieties related to receiv-treatments (Marangell et al., 2003; Sadock & Sadock, 2007). RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH ECT acute myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest.Brain Damage.^ SIDE EFFECTS AND NURSING MECHANISM OF ACTION DeathIMPLICATIONS The major cause is cardiovascular complications, such as. The mortality rate from ECT is about 2 per 100,000 Brain damage is considered to be a risk, but APPENDIX G ●^581

2 2506_Appendix_G_580-582.indd 581 506 _AppendixG 580 - 582 2. Risk for aspiration related to altered level of consciousness ● 1. Risk for injury related to certain risks associated with ECT.consenting to treatment. 3. mal, the client must be made aware of the risks involved before .inddclients have reported retrograde amnesia extending back to immediately following treatment.months before treatment. In rare instances, more extensive amnesia has occurred, resulting in memory gaps dating back years ( Joska & Stein, 2008), Black and Andreasen (2011) sug-gest that all clients receiving ECT should be informed of the possibility of permanent memory loss. Although the potential for these effects appears to be mini-Permanent Memory Loss. evidence is largely unsubstantiated.problems with their memory, aside from the time imme-^ POTENTIAL NURSING DIAGNOSES ASSOCIATED WITH ECT diately surrounding the ECT treatments. However, some 581 Most individuals report no 10/1/10 9:30:52 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 30 : 52 AM
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