293.89^598 Alcohol Use DisordersAlcohol-Related DisordersAmnestic Disorders294.0 ● 293.9 310.1 — 303.90 Alcohol Dependence● 294.9 Cognitive Disorder NOSOther Cognitive Disorders294.8 Amnestic Disorder NOS305.00 Alcohol AbuseMENTAL DISORDERS DUE TO A GENERAL^ MEDICAL CONDITION NOT ELSEWHERE CLASSIFIEDSUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS^ ●^ APPENDIX LCatatonic Disorder Due to Personality Change Due to Condition)Condition)to Substance-Related Disorders for substance-specifiSubstance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder Condition)^ Mental Disorder NOS Due to Amnestic Disorder Due to Medical Condition) (Indicate the General Medical (Indicate the General Medical (Indicate the General Medical (Indicate the General c codes)(refer