Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1
3. Memor y ● 1. Level of alertness/consciousness● 2. Orientation. Is the person oriented to the following? 4. Capacity for abstract thought 1. Ability to control impulses. (Does psychosocial history IMPULSE CONTROL b. Or is there disturbance in perception and awareness of the reveal problems with any of the following?) SENSORIUM AND COGNITIVE ABILITY a. Time b. Place c. Person d. Circumstances a. Aggression a. Recent (Is the individual able to remember occurrences of a. Can the individual interpret proverbs correctly? b. Remote (Is the individual able to remember occurrences a. Is the individual clear-minded and attentive to the c. Confabulation (Does the individual fi• “What does ‘no use crying over spilled milk’ mean?”surroundings? the past few days?)environment?with experiences that have no basis in fact?) of the distant past?) APPENDIX M ll in memory gaps ●^617

2506_Appendix_M_610-617.indd 617 2506 _AppendixM 610 - 617 1. Ability to solve problems and make decisions ● 3. Adaptive/maladaptive use of coping strategies and ego^ 2. Knowledge about self^ .indd a. Awareness of limitations b. Awareness of consequences of actions c. Awareness of illness c. Fear f. Sexual feelings b. HostilityJUDGMENT AND INSIGHT d. Guilt a. What are your plans for the future?defense mechanisms (e.g., rationalizing maladaptive behav-iors, projection of blame, displacement of anger) b. What do you plan to do to reach your goals? e. Affection 61 • “Do you think you have a problem?”• “Do you think you need treatment?” 7 1 10/1/10 9:31:51 AM 0 / 1 / 10 9 : 31 : 51 AM
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