AU.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Controlled Substances SchedulesPPENDIX (^) Q
the U.S. Justice Department, and are based on the potential Schedule II (C-II) for abuse and dependence liability (physical and psychological) of the medication. Some states may have stricter prescription regulations. Physicians, dentists, podiatrists, and veterinarians may prescribe controlled substances. Nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants may prescribe controlled substances with certain limitations.Schedule I (C-I) Potential for abuse is so high as to be unacceptable. May be used for research with appropriate limitations. Examples are LSD and heroin.Classes or schedules are determined by the DEA, an arm of High potential for abuse and extreme liability for physical and psychological dependence (amphetamines, opioid analgesics, dronabinol, certain barbiturates). Outpatient prescriptions must be in writing. In emergencies, telephone orders may be accept-able if a written prescription is provided within 72 hours. No refibarbiturate sedatives, certain nonamphetamine CNS stimulants, Schedule III (C-III) Intermediate potential for abuse (less than C-II) and intermediate liability for physical and psychological dependence (certain non-and limited dosages of certain opioid analgesics). Outpatient lls are allowed.
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