AAbnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)PPENDIX (^) R
tells the clinician how to rate what he or she observes. 2. Ask client whether there is anything in his/her mouth (i.e., and then every 3 to 6 months thereafter.6. Ask client to sit with hands hanging unsupported. If male, 5. Have cl ient sit i n cha i r w it h bot h ha nds on k nees, leg s sl ight ly which tells the client what to do, and the 4. Ask client whether he/she notices any movements in mouth, 3. Ask client about the current condition of his/her teeth. Ask istered before instituting pharmacotherapy with antipsychotics, Examination ProcedureEither before or after completing the Examination Procedure, observe the client unobtrusively, at rest (e.g., in waiting room). The chair to be used in this examination should be a hard, fifor tardive dyskinesia (TD). A baseline exam should be admin-one without arms. 1. Ask client to remove shoes and socks.The AIMS rating scale is a 5- to 10-minute rating scale to assess gum, candy, etc.), and if there is, to remove it.knees. (Observe hands and other body areas.)client if he/she wears dentures. Do teeth or dentures bother client now?There are two parallel procedures, the face, hands, or feet. If yes, ask him/her to describe and to what extent they currently bother client or interfere with his/her activities.ments while in this position.)apart, and feet flbetween legs, if female and wearing a dress, hanging over at on fl oor. (Look at entire body for move-Scoring Procedure, Examination Procedure,which rm^
2506_Appendix_R_628-630.indd 628 2506 _AppendixR 628 - 6 7. Ask client to open mouth. (Observe tongue at rest within 30 .imouth.) Do this twice.ndd 628 10/1/10 9:32:33 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 32 : 33 AM