Nursing Diagnoses in Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans and Psychotropic Medications

(Barré) #1

[Inability to sit still long enough to complete a task][Negative temperament]Goals/Objectives[Refusal to follow directions or suggestions of treatment team]by the person [or caregiver] and health care professional. In the presence of an agreed-on, health-promoting or therapeutic plan, person’s or caregiver’s behavior is fully or partially nonadher-ent and may lead to clinically ineffective or partially ineffective outcomes. Possible Etiologies (“related to”)[Biochemical alteration][Neurological alteration related to premature birth, fetal [Expression of opposition to requests for participation]Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence [Dysfunctional family system][Negative role models][Retarded ego development][Low frustration tolerance and short attention span][Denial of problems]DefiBehavior indicative of failure to adhere [to treatment regimen]Short-term Goaldistress, precipitated or prolonged labor] ning Characteristics (“evidenced by”) ●^41

2 2506_Ch02_014-053.indd Sec1:41 506 Ch 02 014 - 053 .indd Client will participate in and cooperate during therapeutic For the client with inattention and hyperactivity: 3. Ask that instructions be repeated 1. Provide an environment for task efforts that is as free of dis-SInterventions with Long-term GoalClient will complete assigned tasks willingly and independently activities. 2. Provide assistance on a one-to-one basis, beginning with or with a minimum of assistance. 4. Establish goals that allow client to complete a part of the task, ec 1 simple, concrete instructions. assimilate information that is complicated or has abstract of comprehension.rewarding completion of each step with a break for physical to perform in the presence of even minimal stimulation.activity. tractions as possible. with such a short attention span. The positive reinforcement meaning.: 41 Short-term goals are not so overwhelming to client Selected RationalesClient is highly distractible and is unable Client lacks the ability to to determine client’s level 10/1/10 9:33:24 AM 10 / 1 / 10 9 : 33 : 24 AM
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