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(Elle) #1

18 msdn magazine Windows with C++

Traditionally, Direct2D applications simply retrieved the DPI

values from the Direct2D factory, which in turn simply called

GetDeviceCaps, as I illustrated earlier. But this is no longer suffi -

cient. As I’ve shown, the DPI values may now change on the fl y, and

the value provided by GetDeviceCaps is only useful if you’re trying

to fi t in with the rendering of a system DPI-aware application.

Instead, right aft er you’ve created your Direct2D render target, you

need to query the DPI value for the monitor nearest your window:

auto monitor = MonitorFromWindow(window, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST);

Given this monitor handle, you can call the GetDpiForMonitor

function to retrieve the DPI values for this specifi c monitor:

auto x = unsigned {};
auto y = unsigned {};
VERIFY_(S_OK, GetDpiForMonitor(monitor, MDT_EFFECTIVE_DPI, &x, &y));

Th e eff ective DPI value for a given monitor won’t necessarily

correspond exactly to options presented in Figure 4. It again

depends on a number of factors, including resolution, the phys-

ical DPI of the display and the assumed distance to the display

surface. Finally, you can call the Direct2D render target’s SetDpi

method and Direct2D will take care of properly

scaling your content as needed.

I did mention this can all happen dynamically.

Your application may be running and suddenly the

user changes the scale with the window shown in

Figure 3 or drags your window to another monitor

with a diff erent DPI scaling factor. In those cases, the

Windows shell will send per-monitor DPI-aware

application windows a new window message called


Inside your message handler, you can once again call

the MonitorFromWindow and GetDpiForMonitor

functions to get the eff ective DPI values for the current

monitor and then simply update your Direct2D ren-

der target with its SetDpi method again. Alternatively,

the message’s WPARAM packs both the x and y DPI

values so this becomes a simple matter of extracting

the low and high order words:

auto x = LOWORD(wparam);
auto y = HIWORD(wparam);

Th e WM_DPICHANGED message’s LPARAM is,

however, indispensable. It provides a new suggested

position and size of your window based on the new

scale factor that’s now in eff ect. Th is ensures that while

Direct2D takes care of scaling your content, you can

also scale your window’s actual size on the desktop

and position it appropriately. Th e message’s LPARAM

is just a pointer to a RECT structure:

auto rect = *reinterpret_cast<RECT *>(lparam);

You can then simply call the SetWindowPos function to update

your window’s position and size:

0, // No relative window
rect.right - rect.left,
rect.bottom -,

And that’s all it takes. If you’ve invested in Direct2D, you’re just

a few steps away from being per-monitor DPI-aware. Few appli-

cations have made the leap, so your application is bound to stand

out! If you’ve got an existing Windows Presentation Foundation

(WPF) application, there’s also a sample available at that

shows you how to integrate these same principles outlined in this

article into your WPF code base.

Figure 9 provides an example of a per-monitor DPI-aware applica-

tion, automatically scaling both its content and its window size based

on WM_DPICHANGED messages. Th e emoticon indicates which

monitor the window is currently positioned on. For a more interactive

example, please check out my Pluralsight course at , where

you can also get the sample code for this application. Q

KENNY KERR is a computer programmer based in Canada, as well as an author for

Pluralsight and a Microsoft MVP. He blogs at and you can follow

him on Twitter at

THANKS to the following technical expert for reviewing this article:

James Clarke (Microsoft )

Figure 9 Per-Monitor DPI-Aware Application

If you’ve invested in Direct2D,

you’re just a few steps away from

being per-monitor DPI-aware.

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