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(Elle) #1

72 msdn magazine

Unity (not to be confused with the Unity3D game engine) is a

general-purpose, extensible, dependency injection container with

interception support for use in any type of Microsoft .NET Framework-

based application. Unity is designed and maintained by the

Microsoft patterns & practices team ( It can

be easily added to your application via NuGet, and you’ll fi nd the

main hub of learning resources related to Unity at

Th is article focuses on Unity interception. Interception is a tech-

nique that’s useful when you want to modify the behavior of individual

objects without aff ecting the behavior of other objects from the same

class, very much as you’d do when using the Decorator pattern (the

Wikipedia defi nition of the Decorator pattern can be found here: Interception provides a fl exible approach for adding

new behaviors to an object at run time. Th ese behaviors typically

address some crosscutting concerns, such as logging or data vali-

dation. Interception is oft en used as the underlying mechanism for

aspect-oriented programming (AOP). Th e runtime interception

feature in Unity allows you to eff ectively intercept method calls to

objects and perform pre- and post-processing of these calls.

Interception in the Unity container has two main components:

interceptors and interception behaviors. Interceptors determine the

mechanism used to intercept the calls to methods in the intercepted

object, while the interception behaviors determine the actions that

are performed on the intercepted method calls. An intercepted

object is supplied with a pipeline of interception behaviors. When a

method call is intercepted, each behavior in the pipeline is allowed

to inspect and even modify the parameters of the method call, and

eventually the original method implementation is invoked. Upon

return, each behavior can inspect or replace the values returned

or exceptions thrown by the original implementation or the pre-

vious behavior in the pipeline. Finally, the original caller gets the

resulting return value, if any, or the resulting exception. Figure 1

depicts the interception mechanism.

Th ere are two types of interception techniques: instance inter-

ception and type interception. With instance interception, Unity

dynamically creates a proxy object that’s inserted between the

client and the target object. Th e proxy object is then responsible

for passing the calls made by the client to the target object through

the behaviors. You can use Unity instance interception to intercept

objects created both by the Unity container and outside of the con-

tainer, and you can use it to intercept both virtual and non-virtual

methods. However, you can’t cast the dynamically created proxy

type to the type of the target object. With type interception, Unity

dynamically creates a new type that derives from the type of

the target object and that includes the behaviors that handle the



Asynchronous Methods

Using Unity Interception

Fernando Simonazzi and Grigori Melnik

This article discusses:

  • The runtime interception feature in Unity

  • Intercepting TAP asynchronous methods

  • Dealing with generics

  • An alternative to using await

Technologies discussed:

C# 5.0, Unity 3

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