Create mobile apps with HTML5, JavaScript and Visual Studio

(Elle) #1 February 2014 79

You can experiment with this with the

CircularText program. Create a 2D rotation

matrix in the CreateWindowSizeDependent-

Resources method sometime before the

Polygon coordinates are manipulated:

Matrix3x2F tiltMatrix = Matrix3x2F::Rotation(-8);

Th at’s a rotation of -8 degrees, and the

negative sign indicates a counterclockwise

rotation. In the inner loop, aft er x, y, and z

have been calculated, apply that transform

to the z and y values as if they were x and y values:

D2D1_POINT_2F tiltedPoint =
tiltMatrix.TransformPoint(Point2F(z, y));
z = tiltedPoint.x;
y = tiltedPoint.y;

Figure 5 shows what you’ll see.

Th is is much better, but it still has issues. Ugly things happen when

the geometry overlaps, and there’s nothing to suggest which part of

the geometry is nearer to you and which is further away. Stare at it,

and you might experience some perspective shift.

Still, the ability to apply 3D transforms to this object suggests

that it might also be easy to rotate the object around the Y axis—

and it is. If you imagine viewing the origin from the positive Y axis,

you’ll see that the X and Z axes are oriented the same way as the X

and Y axes in a 2D coordinate system.

The SpinningCircularText project implements two rotation

transforms to spin the text and tilt it. All the computational logic

previously in CreateWindowSizeDependentResources has been

moved into the Update method. Th e 3D points are rotated twice:

once around the X axis based on elapsed time, and then around

the Y axis based on the user sweeping a fi nger up and down the

screen. Th is Update method is shown in Figure 6.

It’s well-known that composite matrix transforms are equivalent

to matrix multiplications, and because matrix multiplications

aren’t commutative, neither are composite transforms. Try switch-

ing around the application of the tilt and rotate transforms for a

diff erent eff ect (which you might actually prefer).

When creating the SpinningCircularText program, I adapted

the SampleFpsTextRenderer class created by the Visual Studio

template to create the SpinningCircularTextRenderer class, but I

left the display of the rendering rate. Th is allows you to see how bad

the performance is. On my Surface Pro, I see a frames per second

(FPS) fi gure of 25 in Debug mode, which indicates the code is not

keeping up with the refresh rate of the video display.

If you don’t like that performance, I’m afraid I have some bad

news: I’m going to make it even worse.

Separating Foreground from Background

Th e biggest problem with the path geometry approach to 3D is the

eff ect of overlapping areas. Is it possible to avoid those overlaps? Th e

image this program is attempting to draw is not all that complex. At

any time, there’s a front view of part of the text and a back view of

the rest of the text, and the front view should always be displayed

on top of the back view. If it were possible to separate the path

geometry into two path geometries—one for the background and

one for the foreground—you could render those path geometries

with separate FillGeometry calls so the fore-

ground would be on top of the background.

Th ese two path geometries could even be

rendered with diff erent brushes.

Consider the original path geometry cre-

ated by the GetGlyphRunOutline method.

Th at’s just a fl at 2D path geometry occupying

a rectangular area. Eventually, half of that

geometry is displayed in the foreground,

and the other half is displayed in the back-

ground. But by the time the Polygon objects are obtained, it’s too

late to make that split with anything like computational ease.

Instead, the original path geometry needs to be broken in half

before the Polygon objects are obtained. Th is break is dependent

on the rotation angle, which means that much more logic must be

moved into the Update method.

Th e original path geometry can be split in half with two calls

to the CombineWithGeometry method. Th is method combines

two geometries in various ways to make a third geometry. Th e two

geometries that are combined are the original path geometry that

describes the text outlines and a rectangle geometry that defi nes

a subset of the path geometry. This subset appears in either the

foreground or background, depending on the rotation angle.

For example, if the rotation angle is 0, the rectangle geometry

must cover the central half of the path geometry of the text out-

lines. Th is is the part of the original geometry that appears in the

foreground. Calling CombineWithGeometry with the D2D1_

COMBINE_MODE_INTERSECT mode returns a path geometry

consisting only of that central area, while calling CombineWith-

Geometry with D2D1_COMBINE_MODE_EXCLUDE obtains

a path geometry of the remainder—the parts on the left and right.

These two path geometries can then be converted to Polygon

objects separately for manipulation of the coordinates, followed

by a conversion back to separate path geometries for rendering.

Th is logic is part of a project named OccludedCircularText, which

implements the Render method by fi lling the two geometries with

diff erent brushes, as shown in Figure 7.

Now it’s much more obvious what’s in the foreground and what’s

in the background. Yet, so much computation has been moved to

the Update method that performance is very poor.

In a conventional 2D programming environment, I would’ve

exhausted all the 2D programming tools at my disposal and now

be stuck with this terrible performance. Direct2D, however, off ers

an alternative approach to rendering the geometry that simplifi es

the logic and improves performance immensely. Th is solution

makes use of the most basic 2D polygon—which is a polygon that

also plays a major role in 3D programming.

I speak, of course, of the humble triangle. Q

CHARLES PETZOLD is a longtime contributor to MSDN Magazine and the author

of “Programming Windows, 6th edition” (O’Reilly Media, 2012), a book about

writing applications for Windows 8. His Web site is

THANKS to the following technical expert for reviewing this article:

Jim Galasyn (Microsoft )

Figure 7 The OccludedCircularText Display

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