Dividend yields, 145–149,
146 i–149i
interest rate on government
bonds above, 95–97
ratio of market value to, 120,
120 i
Dodd, David, 77q, 83, 95q, 139q,
141, 145n, 150, 152, 289q, 304n,
334 n
Dogs of the Dow strategy,
147–149, 148i, 149i, 336
Dollar cost averaging, 84
Domino Foods, Inc., 47
Dorfman, John R., 147n
Double witching, 260–261
Douvogiannis, Martha, 113n
Dow, Charles, 38, 290–291
Dow Chemical, 58
Dow Jones & Co., 38
Dow Jones averages, computa-
tion of, 39–40
Dow Jones Industrial Average
(DJIA), 37, 47
breaks 2000, 85
breaks 3000, 85
breaks 8000, 87
crash of 1929 and, 4
creation of, 38
fall in 1998, 88
firms in, 38–39, 39i
following Iraq’s defeat in
Gulf War, 85
long-term trends in, 40–41,
41 i
Nasdaq stocks in, 38
during 1922–1932, 269, 270i
during 1980–1990, 269, 270i
original firms in, 47–49
original members of, 22
predicting future returns
using trend lines and,
as price-weighted index, 40
Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 Index,
Dow 10 strategy, 147–149, 148i,
149 i, 336
Dow Theory(Rhea), 290
Dow 36,000(Hassett), 88
Downes, John, 147
Dr. Pepper, 60i, 64
Dreman, David, 319q, 328n
Duer, William, 21
DuPont, 56i, 58
Dyl, Edward A., 44n
E. F. Hutton, 85
E-minis, 256
EAFE Index, 313
sector allocation and, 175i
Earnings, 102–110
core, of Standard & Poor’s,
dilution of, 104
downward biases in, 109–110
employee stock option
controversy and, 104–105
operating, 103, 107
pension cost accounting
controversies and, 105–107
quality of, 108–109
reporting methods for,
Earnings quality, 108–109
Earnings yield, 1 1 1–112, 113i
Fed model and, 113–115,
114 i
Eastman Kodak, 56i, 58
Economic data, 237–248
central bank policy and, 247
cycle of announcements and,
243–244, 243i
economic growth and stock
prices and, 240–241
employment report and,
impact on financial markets,
inflation reports and, 244–246
information content of data
releases and, 239–240
market movements and, 238
principles of market reaction
and, 238–239
Economic growth, stock prices
and, 240–241
Edison, Thomas, 57
Edison General Electric, 57
Edwards, Susan M., 303n
Efficient frontiers, 32–33, 33i,
Efficient market hypothesis,
Efficient markets, 354
Efficient portfolios, diversifica-
tion in world markets and,
168–172, 169i–171n
Eggert, Robert J., 217
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 224,
Eiteman, Wilford J., 83–84
Electricité de France (EDF), 177,
Ellis, Charles D., 341q, 350
Elton, Edwin J., 348
EMC Corp., 156
Emerging markets:
market bubble in, 166–167
sector allocation and, 175i,
Emotion, coping with, 363
Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 (ERISA),
Employee stock options,
controversy over, 104–105
Employment cost index (ECI),
Employment costs, 246
Employment report, 241–243
Employment statistics,
Enel, 177
Energy sector:
in GICS, 53
global shares in, 175i, 177
England, end of gold standard
in, 187–188
ENI, 177
Enron, 89, 234–235
Equity, world, 162, 163i, 164
Equity risk premium, 16–18,
17 i, 332–333
Establishment survey, 241
370 Index