Global investing, 161–184
cycles in foreign markets
and, 164–167, 164i
diversification in world
markets and (seeDiversifi-
cation in world markets)
emerging market bubble
and, 166–167
future of, 178–182
Japanese market bubble and,
largest non-U.S.-based
companies and, 182–184
population, production, and
equity capital and, 162,
162 i, 163i, 164
technology bubble and, 167
Global Marine, 63
Global stocks, 18–20, 19i
Global Wealth Allocation, 356
Globex, 258–260
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 37q
Goetzmann, William, 12n, 18n
as backing for U.S. currency,
price of, 10
Gold standard:
adherence to, 191
end of, 9–10, 10i, 187–189,
“Good Beta, Bad Beta”
(Campbell), 158
Goodyear, 64
Google, 176i, 355
Gordon, William, 295
Government bonds, interest
rate on, above dividend yield
on common stocks, 95–97
Graham, Benjamin, 77q, 82–83,
95 q, 100, 139q, 141, 145n, 150,
152, 289q, 304, 334, 341q
Grant, Linda, 359n
Grantham, Jeremy, 90
Great Britain, end of gold
standard in, 192
Great Crash (seeStock market
crash of 1929)
Great Depression:
interest rates during, 8
investors’ reaction to, 16
postcrash view of stock
returns and, 83–85
Greenspan, Alan, 87, 113, 246
Grinblatt, Mark, 302n
Gross, Bill, 89–90
Gross domestic product (GDP):
market value relative to,
119–120, 119i, 120i
world, 162, 163i, 164
Gross, Leroy, 329
Growth stocks:
nature of, 157
value stocks versus, 144–145
Gruber, Martin J., 348
Gulf of Tonkin incident, 233
Gulf Oil, 55
Gulf War, 85, 233–234
H. J. Heinz Co., 59i, 61, 64
Hall, Robert E., 211
Hamilton, William, 290
Hansol PLC, 48
Harding, Warren, 227
Hassett, Kevin, 88
Hastorf, A. H., 326n
Haugen, Robert, 308n
Hawawini, Gabriel, 309n,
Hay, William W., 82n
Healthcare sector:
in GICS, 53
global shares in, 175i, 177
Hedging stock market risk, 262
Hendricks, Darryll, 348n
Henry, Patrick, 3q
Herding instinct, 324
Hershey Co., 59i, 61
Hertzberg, Daniel, 273n
High-growth country stocks, 362
Hilscher, Jens, 158n
Hirshleifer, David, 325n, 326n
Historical prices, 117
Hitler, Adolph, 78
Holding period, risk and,
24–27, 25i, 26i
Home Depot, 155, 156, 176
Honda Motor, 176
Hong Kong and Shanghai
Bank, 184
Hoover, Herbert, 227
Houdaille, Maurice, 63
Houdaille Industries, 60i, 63
Household survey, 241
HSBC Holdings, 175, 184
Hsu, Jason, 159n, 355n, 356
Hu, Jian, 241n
Humphrey-Hawkins Act of
1978, 194, 195n
Hussein, Saddam, 85
Hwng, Chuan-Yang, 302n
Ibbotson, Roger, 84
IBM, 56i, 57, 176i
IDEX, 63n
Imasco, 63
Implied volatility, 281
“In the Market We Trust”
(Kaufman), 86–87
In-the-money puts, 266
median, in United States, 189
national, ratio of corporate
profits to, market valuation
and, 115–116, 116i
net, 102–104
(See alsoEarnings)
Income taxes:
on corporate earnings,
failure of stocks as long-
term inflation hedge and,
historical, 66, 67i
total after-tax returns index
and, 66, 68–69, 68i, 69i
Index arbitrage, 257–258
Index futures (seeStock index
Index mutual funds, 342
choosing, 262–264, 263i
no-load, 263
Index options, 264–268
buying, 266–267
importance of, 267–268
372 Index