- Wired LAN
16.3 Smart Sensors
a. Online Gear Box Monitoring System using DX Sensors
Main Purpose of Condition Monitoring:
- To Find the Health condition of machine.
- To determine the need for maintenance.
- Increasing plant equipment’s availability.
- Torque monitoring helps avoiding mechanical overloads.
- Reduction of maintenance cost.
- Residual lifetimes of machines can be used to a greater extent.
- Forecasts on expected development of plant condition are possible.
- Spare parts can be procured just in time, optimization of spares storage.
- Maintenance actions can be planned.
- Low-cost outsourcing of maintenance work is possible.
- Offers potential for process optimization.
b. Periodic data from embedded or installed smart sensors collected to identify /
monitor changes.
- Data could be temperature, vibration, wear debris, Process parameters, etc.,
- Interpretation of data to identify defects.
Measurement values recorded 24/7 by specialized measurement hardware §
Automatic pre-processing and analysis of data, supervision and in-depth analysis
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