- Generation of Digital Surface Models and Digital Elevation Models
- Estimation of No. of Trees
- Optimization of plant layout
- Optimization of Area Grading and cut fill analysis
- Planning of Road layout
- Railway siding
- Planning of Area drainage and sewerage network
- Planning of Solar / Green power
- Landscaping planning
- Real time Video walk through during project phase for Top management
progress reporting - Periodic surveys for important decision making
Advantages of Drone based Survey - Can be used even for in-accessible area
- Safety of Survey team (No threat of venomous reptiles)
- 70% less time
- 80% less cost
- Much high quality Data, with very close intervals for spot levels as compared
to ground survey - Provides fully measureable 2D and 3D models in addition to Contours data
The screenshots of some of the views are as follows
project pridr
(Project Pridr)