Data ROI of 4 stage operation with respect to 6 stage installation
P o w e r C o s t
(Rs./kwh) 5.5^6 6.5 7.1
Fuel Cost
1000 82.5 61.7 47.7 35.4
1200 Negative Opex 98.5 70.3 52.3
1400 Negative Opex Negative Opex Negative Opex 76.5
1500 Negative Opex Negative Opex Negative Opex 99.5
Based on above table it is evident that 6 stage PH is beneficial as compared
to 5 stage and 4 stage. However, if the limestone moisture is above 6%, 5
stage preheater is recommended due to increased hot gas requirement.
The feasibility of various stages for WHRS power generation economy is mainly
depends on fuel and power cost. 6 stage preheater to be installed and Kiln feeding
options in preheater to be considered in 2 and 3 stage also along with top stage
to have the flexibility in operation of feeding with respect to fuel and power cost.
GPP boiler and turbine to be designed accordingly
- stage of PH is most optimum with differential payback with respect to 6 stage
is 36 monthsIf fuel cost is 7.1 Rs/kwh and fuel cost 1000 Rs /Mkcal) - 4 stage of PH is workable with differential payback with respect to 6 stage is
62 monthsIf fuel cost 6 Rs/kwh and fuel cost 1000 Rs /Mkcal) - Fuel cost above 1200 Rs./Mkcal is not economical for 4 stage operation due to
higher ROI - Fuel cost above 1200 Rs./Mkcal is not recommended for 5 stage
operation due to negative OPEX - kiln feed option to be kept for 5 & 4 stage Cyclone for economical operational
requirement based on fuel & Power cost
Power Generation by GPP (WHRS) - 5 Vs 6 Stage Preheater
PH Stage Reduction from 6 to 5 Stage Remarks/
Data Unit 5 Stage 6 Stage Considerations
Base fuel cost Rs/ M kcal 1000 1000
Green Fuel Cost Rs/ M kcal 600 600
TSR % Rs/ M kcal 0% 0%
SFC increase due to AFR Kcal / %TSR 1.5% 1.5%