5. AFR Firing System Comparison
AFR (Alternative fuels and raw materials) / Green fuel usage in cement
industry has become very dynamic now and may become obligatory tomorrow
hence industry need to prepare themselves to increase the Thermal substitution
rate (TSR) graduallyup to the maximum possible level, of course the biggest
challenge is to maintain the Clinker output level, Sp. fuel & power consumption
and the environmental / ecological balance. Also alkali and Sulphur gasification
during AF burning process may lead to erosion and corrosion of equipment’s and
refractories hence its impact on Refractory and other equipment’s are to be
reviewed properly, this may increase maintenance cost accordingly.
Increased usage (TSR) of AF over fossil fuels shall lead in following benefits:
- Reduction of society wastage
- Fuel security i.e. Saving of fossil fuels
- Reduction of CO2 generation
- Reduction in acid rains and air pollution
- Sustainability
- Reduction in fuel cost
Industry must brainstorm to achieve the win-win situation by:
- Explore the available AFR`s near by the plant
- Adopt efficient feeding and firing systems to increase the % TSR
A comparative note is prepared here dedicatedly to describe about the available
technology/equipment’s for firing of solid alternative fuels in precalciner. This com
parison consists of the schematic diagram along with, various features with expected
drawbacks of system offered by various cement manufacturing equipment suppliers
- FLSmidth
- KHD Humboldt Wedag
- Thyssen Krupp Polysiyus
Comparative Table: