technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1

7. Kiln Slope 4.5%

In a new projects discussion was started with suppliers for requirementof 4.5 % kiln
slope against standard slope of 3.5 - 4.0% across industry. Initially suppliers were
not confident about it but with gradual discussion and brainstorming with them
along with their principals they all agreed upon 4.5 % slope with no negative
impact rather some benefits as listed below. This is the first kiln in the world with
4.5 % slope.
7.1 Benefits with Increased Kiln Slope 4.5 %

  • Reduced power consumption

  • Lower RPM required so higher margin is available in RPM at potential

  • There is no impact on kiln operating as degree of filling can be controlled by
    reducing the RPM

  • Improved life of refractory due to less wear because of lower RPM requirement
    Volumetric loading and burning zone load are well within the normal range
    on potential capacity also. Degree of filling and retention time can also be
    maintained well within the norms with regulating the kiln RPM. Mr. Larsen`s
    note also suggest that increasing the kiln slope is always beneficial on power
    consumption of kiln drive
    As per note of Mr. Larsen a correlation curve of kiln drive power consumption v/s
    Inclination is given below

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