12.6 Pillard Nova flame Burner – Latest burner of fives Pillard Technology
Features: -
- Provision for liquid fuel at center
- Intense and compact flame
- Efficient introduction of secondary air into the flame
- Single primary air supply, optimized consumption of cold PA
- Common channel for multiple fuels,
- Flame shape and momentum is easily controlled and adjusted and flame width
is adjustable via the swirl adjusting device. - Only one common fan is required for axial and swirl air- Reduces power
consumption - PA require is high for Pet coke is 9 %, conveying air is 3 % total PA is 12 %
Benefits of Pollard Nova flame burner
- High reliability /availability
- High fuel flexibility i.e. firing high % of Alternative solid and liquid fuels.
- Easier operation & better flame shaping adjustment.
- Handles variation in fuel quality
- Improved clinker quality
- Lower PA leading to reduction in fuel consumption and power consumption
- Lower NOx generation
- Lower maintenance