technical NOTES

(Project Pridr) #1


Exhaust gas from Pre-heater being at higher elevation, the gas ducting to PH boiler
will have a top entry. Hot gas from Clinker Cooler being at lower elevation, the gas
ducting to AQC boiler will be provided with vertical / bottom entry. Prior to AQC
boiler entry, de-duster shall be provided to reduce the dust concentration before
entering into the boiler. The exhaust from respective sources shall flows through
the various heat transfer sections of each boiler. This shall be further connected to
the existing downstream equipment of the cement plant.
Provision for atmospheric cold air entry in hot gas entry side of AQC Boiler shall be
provided along with motorized butterfly damper. The sealing efficiency of regulating
damper shall be sufficient to prevent the air ingress into the AQC Boiler.
1.1 Heat Recovery Boilers
The boilers shall be of Heat Recovery Boilers (HRB) type, Single / bi drum, natural
circulation, and outdoor type with two-stage super heater for AQC boiler & single
stage super heater for PH boiler. The two boilers shall have combined final super
heater and common main steam line will be connected to steam turbine.
The boilers shall be designed for fully automated operation from the Distributed
Control System (DCS) from the central control room. Valves / dampers required to
be operated during the starting or the normal running of the boilers shall be with
Electrical motor actuators.
For AQC boiler, necessary de-duster at upstream of boilers shall be considered by
the contractor. Inner casing of PH and AQC boiler shall be designed as per actual
pressure consideration.
1.2 General Description of Green Power Plant-
The Green Power Project shall comprise of:

  • One No.AQC (Air Quenching Cooler) & One No .PH (Preheater) boiler at cement

  • One (1) unit of Double injection condensing steam Turbine.

  • One Unit of Air-Cooled Condenser.

  • Water Treatment Plant

  • Balance of Plant
    1.3 Benefits of WHRS

  • Lowering the C02 emissions because waste heat is converted into energy

  • Reduction in Global warming by way of releasing low temperature gases to

  • Saving of Natural resources as no additional fuel needed for power generation

  • Reduction in water consumption

  • Reduction in demand from Electricity grid

  • Reduction of energy cost per unit production of cement

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