- Arrangement of DG if required for emergency purposes & not hindrance the
project during power cut. - Metering for project power consumption
4.3 Basic Plant Design Concept –Electrical Design
- HT Switch Board
Selection of HT switchboard on basis of minimum requirement of panels
considering 1 number spare power feeder.
SMART Relays selected for the HT switchboards for communication with
DCS & protection of feeders
CT & PT’s selected on the basis of feeder load & the metering CT considered
as per CEIG guidelines.
2 Nos trafo outgoing feeder consider for WHRS system HT switchboard
System fault level for HT panel is 40KA for 3sec
Load & Voltage level of HT Switch Board as per detail engineering & system
requirement. - Distribution Transformer
Selection of distributed transformer rating based on the connected Auxiliary
loads on it quantity 2X100% as per design concept.
Selection basis on the IS code – IS 2026
Losses calculation of distribution transformer on full rating
Voltage regulation
Efficiency of transformer at full rating
Selection of Transformer C1 class for efficiency - LT Switchboards
LT switch Board feeders as per tender load list with spare feeder of minimum
1qty of each rating or maximum 20% of each rating of drive.
Continuously duty drives selection on VFD to make system energy efficient.
Selection of SMART IMCC by using of SIMOCODES for drives & protection of
Feeders replacing the conventional MCC
Main Breaker feeders considered on basis of load connected to system,
voltage level
LT switchboards has ACB Beakers for system.
Communication with DCS on the profibus protocol.
Use of SMART MCCB for the feeders for utilizing the advance feature of