92 The Spiritual Life.
lifeinwhich individualitybegins; without that
thirst the eternal seed could not develop into
the likeness of its generatingSire,becoming a
centre of self-consciousness able to exist amid
the tremendous vibrations which disintegrate
universes, able to remain without a circumfer-
it again, and thus to act as an axis for the
eternal Motion when it is going to turn the
great Wheel which is parentless,ere the Son
has "awakened for the new wheel and his
pilgrimagethereon." Unlessthethirstforsepar-
ated life were aroused, universes could never
each soul until it has accomphshed its mighty
task-aparadoxtothe intellectbutatruism to
thespirit-of forming a centre which is itself
eternally,andat thesametimeiseverything.
Whilethis thirstforseparatedlifeagainand
again draws the soul into the ocean of births
anddeaths,ayetdeeperconstituentof itsbeing
drivesitto seekeverforunion. Allmen seek
happiness, seek they never so blindly; the