The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

The Ceasing of Sorrow. 95

one Life. Thatone Life exertsceaselesslyan

upward drawingforce,likethe visafronteof

thebafHedbotanist. ItsembryonicSelfineach

answersto the Father-self andblindly reaches

out, groping after the One within the many,

theOne that isitself. Thusexternalcontacts

arise; by the inward urging of the Self the

formsmeet,thenclingorclash. Theattractive

force is the one Self in all; the variety, the

Further,it isthelifethatseeks the life, but
inthesearch itisthe form thatfindstheform,

thusbafflingtheseeker. Theformsarebarriers

between life and life, cannot intermingle, are

mutuallyexclusive. Lifecould mixwithlifeas


joinwhile eachisrunningwithinitsownbanks,

so lives cannot unite while forms lock each


Letusgatherupour threadsandtwistthem

together into an Ariadne-clue to guide us

through the Cretan labyrinth of life that we

mayfindandslaythe Minotaurcalledsorrow.

Thereis athirst for separated lifenecessary





The essence of happiness liesin union with


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