The Value ofDevotion. 103
rushes outward; intellect can grasp, it cannot
move. Remains the emotional nature, the
energising force that causes action, thatwhich
feels. Thisitisthatattractsustoanobject,or
repelsusfromit,and hereinweshall find that
devotionhas its source. Foras we studythe
- attractionandrepulsion. Itisevermovingus
towards oraway from objects surrounding us,
accordingasthose objects afforduspleasureor
pain. Allthefeelingswhich draw ustowards
another fall under the head of attraction and
areformsof Love. All those which repel us
from another fall under the headof repulsion
NowLovetakesdifferent forms,andiscalled
by different names, according as its object is
above it,equalwith it,or belowit. Directed
to those belowitwenameit pity,compassion,
benevolence; directedtothoseequalwithit,we
callitfriendship, passion, affection; directedto
thoseaboveit,we styleit reverence,adoration,
devotion. Thuswetracedevotiontoitsorigin
defineit aslove directed to anobject superior
to the lover. When love is directed to the
Guru,toGod, we rightlytermit devotion,for
thenit is poured out before thesuperior, and