The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

112 The Spiritual Life.

theonewelove increases love,andthewould-

bedevoteemust give timetothe objectof his

devotion,anditisnot histhoughtalonethatis

atwork. As little cana plant grow without

sunlight as devotion without thewarming and

energisingraysthatstream fromitsobject; the

older soul pours out far more love than he

receives, and his lightand heat permeateand

strengthentheyoungersoul. The Guruloves

hischela,Godloves hisdevotee,farmorethan

the chela loves his Guru, or the devotee his

God. Theloveof thedevoteeforhisLordis

butafaint reflection of the love of Himwho

is Loveitself. Itissaid thatif achildthrows

a pebbletothe ground,the whole great earth

movestowardsthe pebbleaswellasdrawsthe

pebbletoitself; attractioncannotbeone-sided.

In the spiritual world when man makes one

steptowardsGod,God makesahundred steps

towardsman, for greatness there meansgreat-

ness in giving, and the ocean pours forth its



Having seen what devotion is, what its

objects, howit can be increased,we mayfitly


Devotionchanges the devotee into thelike-

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