The spiritual life

(Martin Jones) #1

114 The SpiritualLife.

heloves. Hethinksofhisbodynotashis,but

as an instrument used by his Lord for the

world'shelping; allhisactionsaredonebecause

they are the dutygiven him byhis Beloved


doesheeat, itis not to gratifythe palate,but



does he think, it is not for the pleasure of

thinking, butinorderthat hisLord'sworkmay

bethe better done; he merges his life in the

lifehe loves,thinks,works,acts,in union with

thathigherlife, merginghissmallerrillof being

inthelarger stream,and finding a deepjoyin

feelinghimself part of the fuller life. Soitis

written: "Whatsoeverthou doest,whatsoever

thougivest,whatsoeverthou doestof austerity,


Me. Thus shalt thou be liberated from the

bondsofaction (yielding) goodandevilfruits.'

{Bhagavad-Gildy ix. 27, 28.) Where fruits



andheis not bound by them tothewheel of


Devotion cleanses the heart. Once again

ShriKrishna teachesus,and thewords at first

seemstrange. "Evenifthemostsinfulworship

me with undivided heart,he too must be ac-

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